Sample preparation
Basic usage of glow discharge
Prepare negative-stained sample
Prepare Cryo-EM sample
Basic operation of microscopes
- Sign up for microscope time via iLab
- Basic training - UCSF FEI Tecnai T12
High-resolution data collection using UCSF cryo-EM facilities
Screening your grids on Arctica using SerialEM software
Collecting your data on Arctica using SerialEM software
Setting up mulit-shot-per-hole collection (Krios1)
Tomography protocol in SerialEM
Doing on-the-fly MotionCorr2 using Scipion
2D classifcation on-the-fly using cryoSPARC Live
Titan Krios GIF tuning - ZLP center ONLY
UCSF Titan Krios 1 pixel size table / sign up guide
Additional useful documents
Caltech Getting Started in Cryo-EM, by Jensen Lab
- This class covers the fundamental principles underlying cryo-electron microscopy starting with the basic anatomy of electron microscopes, an introduction to Fourier transforms, and the principles of image formation. Building upon that foundation, the class then covers the sample preparation issues, data collection strategies, and basic image processing workflows for all 3 basic modalities of modern cryo-EM: tomography, single particle analysis, and 2-D crystallography.
- Here are the links, YouTube playlist, iTunes U course, Coursera on-line course, Concepts questions (pdf)
CryoEM 101
- Cryo-EM 101 was created by Peter Shen and Janet Iwasa at the University of Utah. It's a media-rich curriculum to augment users’ own hands-on training. The training material will contain videos, animations, and interactive simulations that cover the major components of the cryo-EM workflow.
- Here is the link, CryoEM101
MRC Lectures
- MRC-LMB Electron cryo-microscopy course 2017 (video and slides)
- MRC-LMB Electron cryo-microscope course 2014 (slides)
NRAMM Workshops
- 2015 Appion devleoperr's workshop
- 2014 Workshop on advanced topics in EM structure determination
- 2012 Advanced topics in cryoEM workshop
- Full list of the workshops held by NRAMM
UCSF Cryo-EM Enthusiasts Meeting